Reuse of Lolagar House

[2rd Place, Memar Awards, 2015]

[Responsible for Rehabilitation and Restoration Design]


Lolagar House is the first house in a series of six symmetrical buildings belonging to the first Pahlavi period, located on Neauphle-le-Château St., Tehran. In 2010, the northeastern building was assigned to an EK consultant for studies, design, and execution. 

The building has all the stylistic features of its period and the interior spaces do not have any decorations In the restoration process, the exterior facades were considered with a completely conservative approach that indicates the originality of the building in townscapes, and this is while, in the interior sections by using a modern expression, while maintaining the overall structure of the space, the structural and installation weaknesses of the building were eliminated. With this approach, the two upper floors were assigned residential functions. The ground floor was converted into a cozy Café and the basement reused as an exhibition space & gallery

The ground floor was converted into a cozy Café and the basement was reused as an exhibition space & gallery.

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