Restoration of Kefri abandoned bazaar (Sulaymaniyah, Iraq)

[Responsible for Rehabilitation and Restoration Design]


Kefri Qaisari Bazaar with north-south orientation is located in the middle of the historical fabric of the city. Its construction dates back to around 1870. 

The area of the bazaar is about 1 hectare and its spatial structure represents a usual pattern of Islam, with a main and sub-rows, an inn, timchehs, and numerous commercial markets. Today, due to widespread destruction, except for a small part of the southern section, other physical structures are abandoned.

The restoration plan tries to identify the original structure of the Bazaar through accurate documentation, historical studies, excavation & buildings pathology, etc., to reconstruct lost parts of the grand bazaar and revive the its economic activities. 

For this purpose, the main order of the bazaar wast restored and the individual markets on either side were rebuilt.

Also, restoration consultants decide to rebuild the destroyed parts of inns & caravansaries based on the available evidences.

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